Services offered to our families
Helping connect families to resources; Helping each child Thrive
PAT is an evidence-based home visiting program designed to empower parents as their child’s first teacher. PAT utilizes a home visitation model, working with families from pregnancy—kindergarten. The Parents as Teachers program promotes the optimal early development, learning and health of young children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers.

Through a mixed delivery program model, families are empowered to choose the “just-right” preschool setting for their child at a variety of program types. Community- based, school-based, or home based preschool providers, families can select and enroll with the program that works best for them. UPK is a big step in making early education available and more affordable for all Colorado families.

Positive Solutions for families is an evidenced-based, family friendly workshop of 7 sessions to help professionals working with families and Family Friend Neighbor Care providers, to promote positive and effective parenting and care giving behaviors.

Seedlings is a hands on learning, relationship building, and social connections curriculum. This science based program blends principles from neuroscience around brain growth and development. This 10 week in person course explains how stress impacts the brain, body, and behaviors over a lifetime and how it is shared adults to children. Providing support for adults, we offer tailored implementation options for group sessions with flexible choices on dates, locations, and times.