An Early Head Start coach is a professional who works directly with
early childhood educators, specifically with infant and toddler early
care teachers, supervisors, and directors to build capacity for
continuous quality improvement.
Assessment Services
The Pyramid Infant Toddler Observation Scale (TPITOS) is a social-emotional developmental assessment
consisting of observation and teacher interview. The TPITOS is conducted in center-based infant and toddler
classrooms. It is designed to measure the fidelity of implementation of practices associated with adult
behaviors and the classroom environment in relation to The Pyramid Model. Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale Third Edition (ITERS-3) focuses on the full range of needs of
infants and toddlers and provides a framework for improving program quality. The scale assesses both environmental provisions and teacher-child interactions that affect the developmental milestones of infants and toddlers, including language, cognitive, social-emotional, physical development, and health and safety.Practice Based Coaching (PBC) is a cyclical process for supporting the use of effective practices that lead to positive outcomes for children and families. The coaching cycle components include:
In collaboration with a coaching partner Early Head Start coaching includes the co-construction of knowledge and reflective capacity to transform both participant’s practices through:
● joint planning and decision-making
● observation ● modeling
● reflective dialogue
● feedback
● shared analysis of program data
● collaborative progress monitoring
Other technical assistance support for Early Head Start
Health & Safety support – Amanda Garcia
Education, Curriculum and Disabilities support – Annette Martinez
Family Engagement support – Ramona Silva or Erica Maldonado