Amy bolt
-Reflective coaching with Early Head Start Infant and Toddler Teachers
-Facilitate Early Head Start Teacher Connections/Trainings
-Expanding Quality for Infants and Toddler (EQIT) Trainer
-Support Early Childhood Teachers to implement positive developmentally appropriate practices.
-Provide classroom and teacher assessment
-Coordinate, Facilitate, Coach EQIT
Why did I choose to work in the Early Childhood field?
I chose to work in the Early Childhood field because I enjoy working with young children and early childhood teachers. My experience and education in the early childhood field, for over 25 years, has taught me this is the most important learning time in a child’s life. Therefore, providing young children with positive learning experiences during these years, increases their success in school and throughout life. The teachers who work with these children need continued education and support so they can provide the best learning environment for each child to succeed.
“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” – Mr. Rogers