Monique Bosch
-Support childcare / preschool programs and family childcare home providers of the San Luis Valley to improve their programs quality along with their PDIS and QRIS accounts.
-Assess environments and provide coaching aligned with the Environmental Rating Scale and provide support with the Colorado Shines Level 1-5 rating.
-Assist providers and directors with purchases utilizing quality Improvement funds and support with State Grants
Why did I choose to work in the Early Childhood field?
Early childhood is important because it is the basis of setting up the foundation for the next generation. As an educator, they play a big part in the development of each child. It is important that they are offered support and guidance as they support the children in achieving each milestone.
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” -Proverbs 22:6