Tina Esquibel
-Provide Training in Child Development, Responsive Care and Social-Emotional Skill Building
-Provide Coaching in Quality Environments, Teacher-Child Interactions and Reflective Practice
-Provide Supports in Building Capacity and Awareness for Self-Reflection
-Coordinate, Facilitate, Coach EQIT
Why did I choose to work in the Early Childhood field?
My Early Childhood Educational journey began over 25 years ago. Interacting with young children has always been a gifted skill of mine. I love the curiosity, ideas, presence, humor, love, and honesty children bring to interactions, naturally, and I always learn much about myself when hanging out with children. The Early Childhood Profession is important to me because I believe being part of the facilitation of learning for children is one of the MOST important and rewarding journeys, I’ve been fortunate to travel in this life, and I truly cherish every moment I spend with children.
“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” – Mother Teresa